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Silappatikaram Synopsis:

Pugalenthi’s Silappatikaram adaptation brings to life the complexities embedded in the original Tamil epic Silappatikaram written in 2nd century by Elango Adigal.

Kovalan's tumultuous journey reflects the fickle nature of the human mind as he traverses through the maze of emotions, deviating from his childhood love Kannagi to courtesan Mathavi. The exploration of love portrayed through Kannagi's unwavering unconditional love for Kovalan, marked by both strength and self-respect.

The Jain saint Kavunthi Adigal transforms from a state of renunciation to motherly bond with Kannagi. The play also emphasizes the power of a common man, as Kannagi seeks Justice against the law that executed her husband.

The moral compass of the Pandya king, who punishes himself for his hasty judgment, and in the aftermath, Madurai city is engulfed and destroyed by the Fire deity Agni, and that creates a powerful backdrop for Kannagi's quest for salvation, ultimately evolving her into the beloved Queen of Chastity.

Pugalenthi’s Silappatikaram play, becomes a captivating exploration of love, rejection, grief, and the eternal battle between good and evil. In addition, the play showcases the ancient Tamil society's prosperity, thriving businesses, love for art and culture, and unwavering commitment to moral values.


Event Details:

  • Title: Silapathikaram

  • Date & Time:


Saturday, 6th April - 8.30 pm


  • Venue: Grassroots Club Auditorium

  • Ticket Price: $30.00 [Early Bird: $20.00]

  • Student Price: $20.00


We urge you to take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to expose yourselves to the vibrant world of Tamil drama. Kindly note that due to the limited availability of 250 tickets per show, early booking is highly recommended to avoid disappointment.

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Play Synopsis

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